HarrisPrimary School

Performance Data

The data published relates to the 2018/19 academic year and is not current. 

This is because statutory assessment was suspended nationally throughout the Covid-19 pandemic.


End of Key Stage 1 Results

Attainment at the expected standard or better
Reading  80% (75% national average)
Writing 83% (69% national average)
Maths 90% (76% national average)
Combined 77% (65% national average)
Attainment at the higher standard/ greater depth within the expected standard
Reading 33% (25% national average)
Writing 30% (15% national average)
Maths 33% (22% national average)
Combined 23% (11% national average)


End of Key Stage 2 Results

Attainment at the expected standard or better
Reading 70% (73% national average)
Writing 80% (78% national average)
Maths 90% (79% national average)
GPS 83% (78% national average)
Combined 70% (65% national average)
Attainment at the higher standard/ greater depth within the expected standard
Reading 43% (27% national average)
Writing 17% (20% national average)
Maths 37% (27% national average)
GPS 37% (36% national average)
Combined 17% (11% national average)
Average Scaled Scores in 2019
Reading 106 (104 national average)
Maths 107 (105 national average)
Average Progress Scores in 2019
Writing -2
Maths +0.2


Click here for our school performance tables


Harris Primary School
Wynchor, Fulwood, Preston, PR2 7EE